Vision: To be No. 1 Scouts Cadet College in South Asia by 2027          



Name Designation Qualification
Mushtaq Muhammad Vice Professor
Associate Professor
M.Sc (Maths) + M.Ed
Sabir Nawaz Lecturer M.Sc (Maths), B.Ed + M.Phil


Name Designation Qualification
Sajid Hussain Assistant Professor M.A (Urdu) + B.Ed
Muhammad Saqib Assistant Professor M.A (Urdu) + B.Ed + M.Ed
Muhammad Ejaz Lecturer in Urdu M.A (Urdu, Isl) + B.Ed
Javaid Iqbal Lecturer in Urdu M.A (Urdu)
Syed Hassan Shah Lecturer in Urdu M.A (Urdu)


Name Designation Qualification
Ikram Sarwar Assistant Professor M.A (Eng) + B.Ed + TEFL (Dip)
Tela Muhammad Khan Lecturer in English MA (TEFL)
Arif Aziz Assistant Professor M.A (Eng) + B.Ed + Dip in TEFL
Jehangir Iqbal Lecturer in English M.A (Eng) + B.Ed
Muhammad Ameer Khan Lecturer in English M.A (Eng) + B.Ed
Ms Fiza Safdar Lecturer in English


Name Designation Qualification
Muhammad Saleem Assistant Professor M.Sc (Physics)
Asim Khan Assistant Professor M.Sc (Physics) + DIT + M.Ed
Khursheed Ahmed Assistant Professor M.Sc (Physics) + B.Ed
Saifullah Lecturer in Physics M.Sc (Phy) + B.Ed + M.Phil
Syed Adnan Shah Lecturer in Physics M.Sc (Phy) + B.Ed + M.Phil


Name Designation Qualification
Mushtaq Ahmad Assistant Professor M.Sc (Chemistry) + CT + Dip in Computer, B.Ed
Asad ul Ghani Lecturer in Chemistry M.Sc (Chem) + B.Ed
Shamas ur Rehman Lecturer in Chemistry M.Sc (Chem) + B.Ed
Rayed Khan Gen Science Teacher M.Sc (Chem) + B.Ed
Lecturer in Chemistry
Seemab Khan Lecturer in Chemistry B.Sc (Hons)
Muzammil Lecturer in Chemistry B.Sc (Hons)


Name Designation Qualification
Aurangzeb Abbasi Assistant Professor M.Sc (Botany) + B.Ed + CT + M.Phill
Shahid Mehboob Shani Lect in Biology M.Sc (Bot)
Ms Mehwish

Pak Studies

Name Designation Qualification
Naseer Ahmed Associate Professor M.A (Pol Sc) + B.Ed + M.Ed
Jameel Ahmad Khan Assistant Professor M.A (PS) + B.Ed + M.Ed (Dip EPM)
Muhammad Babar Lecturer in Pak Culture M.Sc (Pak Studies)
Nauman Khan Lecturer in Pak Study M.Sc (IR)

Computer Science

Name Designation Qualification
Muhammad Faheem Lect in Computer Science BCS (Hons) 4 Years
Muhammad Sohail Malik Lect in Computer Science M.Sc (Computer) + B.Ed


Name Designation Qualification
Muhammad Ajmal Assistant Professor M.A (Eng) + M.A (Isl) + B.Ed
Uzair Ishtiaq Lecturer in Islamiat B.A (Hons) + B.Ed


Name Designation Qualification
Mufti Munir Iqbal Lecturer in Arabic MA (Arabic) + M.Phil


Name Designation Qualification
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