Vision: To be No. 1 Scouts Cadet College in South Asia by 2027          
Admissions Admission Procedure

Admission Procedure


Admission is allowed in class – VII once a year on open merit with certain seats reserved on quota system.

The date for submission of admission forms and the schedule of tests are advertised in the leading newspapers of the country.

Tests are taken in the subjects of Urdu, English and Mathematics, followed by interviews. The Mathematics paper is set in English only.

Admissions are strictly on merit. The result/decision of Principal/Admission Committee shall be final and will not be challenged in any court of law.

Only medically fit candidates are offered admission.

Written test is based on the syllabus of class – VI (Specimen papers attached as Anx C)

Compilation of results is confidential and not challengeable in the court of law. No correspondence will be entertained in this connection.


Admission to other classes (8th and 1st Year) is possible on the availability of seats. For the vacant seats an entrance test followed by an interview is held soon after the re-opening of college after vacation. The entry is granted strictly on merit.


Promotion from Secondary to Intermediate classes is automatic, unless the parents apply for his withdrawal. Further the college may not allow him to continue studies if he secures less than 65% marks in Matric Board Exams.


  1. Parents/Guardians seeking admission for their son/wards are required to apply on prescribed Application Form available in college prospectus.
    The Application Form should be accompanied by a crossed postal order/Bank draft for the amount indicated on the Application Form payable to the Principal.
  2. The prospectus can be obtained on the payment of Rs. 1000/- while by post it can be obtained on payment of Rs. 1050/- (through Bank Draft payable at Bank Al Habib in Pakistan Scouts Cadet College Batrasi Account No. 2011-0081-000526-01-8). Photocopy of Application Form is not acceptable.). Photocopy of Application Form is not acceptable. The Entrance Test fee fill be Rs. 2000/- per candidate.
  3. The details regarding the submission of Application Form are advertised in all leading national Urdu and English daily newspapers.

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